What should I expect to learn?

New Member Orientation

Meadowbrook First Baptist Church welcomes you! The church where God's word is powerfully preached and rightly divided. We are so excited that you have chosen to visit our website and we pray it will be informative. We strive to learn and grow to be all that Christ has called us to be.

 Worship service begins each Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. Weekly bible study is held Wednesday night beginning at 7:00 p.m. for adults and youth.

Many people feel compelled to join church but are hesitant during our alter call.  After each worship service Pastor Perkins will make a plea for those who are seeking a church home, those who need prayer, and those who are not saved a personal invitation to those who are unsure of the gospel or looking for a church home. During the alter call any individual may join.

The Pastor gives you a warm welcome and informs that you have made a wonderful decision in making that faith walk. You will be escorted by a member of our ministry team where we will pray with you and obtain important information from you so we can stay in contact.

Why should I complete New Member Orientation class? 

New Member Orientation Class is designed to help believers by directing them to the word of God through the scriptures and becoming acquainted with guidelines to assist you to understand the assurance of salvation.

New member class is conducted by  Pastor Perkins who rightly divides the word of God with clarity giving the young believer the solid background which is beneficial. Immediately following, new believers will attend a Discipleship Class conducted by Pastor J.A. Page who will build upon what you've learned in orientation to apply the knowledge to everyday life. Looking into the challenges and struggles this world presents to Christians. 

How long is the New Member Orientation Class and Discipleship Class? 

Each class is held for 6 sessions during regular Sunday School, which begins at 9:45 a.m. Each new member is advised to bring a bible, pen, and paper. All other material will be provided.  

New Member Orientation for young children and teenagers 

Teens and children over 7 years of age attend Sunday School 

children (ages 3 to 7) are encouraged to attend Children Church (materials will be provided).

About Salvation? 

Salvation is deliverance from the guilt and penalty of your sins by accepting Jesus Christ in your life. 

Believing that Christ is the Son of God and accepting the fact that He died for our sins put us in right standings with God.

1. Admit that you have sinned.

"Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God;

2. There is a penalty for sin.  

"Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death , but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

3. Acknowledge God's love for you. 

"Romans 5:8 - God demonstrates His love for us, in that, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

4. Accept salvation by faith. 

"Romans 10:9 - That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and will believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."


How do I join?